Patient Story: Emma

Did you know? Breast cancer survivors in the US are 2.5 times more likely than their healthy neighbors to file bankruptcy within five years of diagnosis. In 2021, Emma (name changed for patient confidentiality) had a mammogram screening that showed abnormal findings, but without insurance, she didn’t have the resources for additional testing and didn’t know of any community options to help. It wasn’t until symptoms sent her to emergency room a year later when she found out she had stage 3 breast cancer that had already spread to her lymph nodes. Emma underwent a double mastectomy as a self-pay patient.
After surgery, fortunately she found WeCareJax partner, MASS Clinic for primary care. They sent her to our team for treatment, and fortunately our partner Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center accepted her case. Emma is currently undergoing radiation and chemotherapy – without the burden of financing her treatment.
Your support can make a difference in helping prevent medical debt while providing the wrap-around care patients need to complete treatment.