Local Credit Union Staffers Make Gift of Compassionate Care To Celebrate the 2020 Holiday Season

The Northeast Florida Chapter of the League of Southeastern Credit Unions and Affiliates (LSCU) chose healthcare for their uninsured neighbors as their focus for this year’s annual Business Expo and Charity Night – and we couldn’t be more grateful! Even though the pandemic meant changes to their fundraising plans and their celebration, their team didn’t let COVID-19 stop compassionate care! Their generous donation has gone right to work helping connect patients to providers and the wrap-around support that makes improved health outcomes possible.
Special thanks to the Chapter leaders who kept up an annual tradition of celebrating and sharing with the community in a new way (and who helped make this incredible gift possible!):
– Angie Coleman, President (Jax Federal CU)
– Ricky Joshi, Treasurer (Alive CU)
– Susan Verbeck, Secretary (Community First CU)
– Terri Thomas, Vice Treasurer (City & Police FCU)
– Michelle Troha, First Florida CU
– Lance Davies, VyStar CU