Patient Success Story – Beth
For “Beth” (name withheld for confidentiality), her first intake began at the HOPE Van, a medical outreach program through Sulzbacher Clinics that utilizes trained medical outreach specialists to engage individuals who are living on the street. The team discovered her hypertension was so severe she required immediate emergency support. That was two years ago in a parking lot where she was living in her car. She went to the emergency department at Baptist Beaches for immediate support, then discharged to the Beaches Health & Wellness program with RN Case Manager, Tina.
With coaching and support, she was determined to take her medications and succeed in reaching her hypertension control goals. With support from WeCareJax, Sulzbacher, BEAM and Baptist, she lost more than 40 pounds, and was able to bring her numbers within normal range during this program year. With the team helping, she was able to move to a hotel, gained employment locally, and eventually reunited with family in another state. She still calls Tina regularly to let her know how she’s doing.