Women’s History Month – Sister Desales Wisniewski
Sister DeSales Wisniewski helped Jacksonville’s underserved residents through her work with St. Vincent’s HealthCare for 23 years, and by helping to found WeCareJax!
Her journey in Jacksonville started in 1957, where she served as a Nurse Supervisor at St. Vincent’s Medical Center until 1960. After some years of traveling around the east coast on more missions, she came back to Jacksonville and established deep roots that continue to nourish the community to this day. In 1985, she served as St. Vincent’s Vice President of Mission Integration and started a mobile health outreach program that provides basic health services to underserved neighbors in the greater Jacksonville area.
Shortly thereafter, she would help found WeCareJax. During this time, she was president of the organization and recruited physicians, improved health care for clients, all while making sure she was able to volunteer 10 to 15 hours a week.
Sister DeSales passed away in September 2018 and is remembered as a passionate person who helped improve underserved communities, and gave our organization the ability to make a change within Jacksonville.
According to nurse Freddie Webster, WeCareJax’s Senior Clinical Advisor, Sister DeSales was passionate about making sure that the community’s needs were being met and was diligent about raising contributions. Many have remarked that no one said no to Sister! And our neighbors in need are so fortunate that she dedicated her leadership and talent to their health.